Jehan de la Rue


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  1. 1.  Jehan de la Rue

    Andre Hendelser og Egenskaper:

    • Occupation: Burgund


    a trumpeter at the Burgundian court
    Pierre de la Rue was born c. 1460, possibly at Tournai, the son of Jehan de la Rue who was a trumpeter at Philip the Good's Burgundian court. The first reference we have to Pierre is as a tenor at Siena Cathedral c. 1482-85. From 1489-92 he is listed as a singer at s-Hertogenbosch Cathedral, and by 1492 he was a member of Maximilian's Burgundian Court Chapel, passing into the service of Maximilian's son. Philip the Handsome, when the young man was declared of age in 1493. In 1496. Philip married Juana of Castile, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, and la Rue travelled twice with the court to Spain, the first visit in 1501-02. the second in 1506 during which Philip died unexpectedly at Burgos. La Rue seems to have stayed in Juana's service in Spain for as long as two years before returning to Malines (Mechelen) as temporary head of the future Charles V's Chapel, organized for the boy Archduke by his guardian and regent. Philip's sister. Marguerite of Austria. When Charles was declared of age in 1515. he moved his court to Brussels, but soon thereafter la Rue retired to Courtrai (Kortrijk) where he had held a canonry at the church of Notre Dame since 1501. He died there on November 20. 1518. having apparently arranged to be buried in the Chapel of St. Catherine, a saint for whom he may have conceived a particular affection, since her birthplace and shrine were less than 200 metres from the Cathedral in Siena where he had been a singer as a young man.

    Jehan giftet seg med Getrude de la Haye 1459, Tournai, Belgia. Getrude ble født UM 1435. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]

    1. 2. Pierre de la Rue  Etterslektstre til dette punkt døde 20 Nov 1518, Kortrijk, Belgia.
    2. 3. Jehan de La Rue  Etterslektstre til dette punkt ble født , Tournai, Belgia.

Generasjon: 2

  1. 2.  Pierre de la Rue Etterslektstre til dette punkt (1.Jehan1) døde 20 Nov 1518, Kortrijk, Belgia.

    Andre Hendelser og Egenskaper:

    • Will: 16 Jun 1516

    German Peter Van Straten, also called Pierchon, Perchon, or Pierson De La Rue
    Het geslacht Verstraten ? van Straten begint met Jean de la Rue, hetgeen op Zuid?Nederlandse of Noord?Franse afstamming wijst (veel Haarlemse Verstraten's kwamen uit Wulfegem in het huidige Belgie, een relatie met dit geslacht is er echter (nog) niet). Zijn zoon Willem ging echter al spoedig zijn naam vernederland­sen. De familie Verstraten heeft een belangrijke rol in de pla­teelin­dustrie gespeeld, zowel in Delft als in Haarlem. Willem Jansz. Verstraeten (De La Rue), werd in Delft voor het eerst in 1613 als knecht vermeld.
    Sehr prächtig ist dasjenige musikalische Werk, welches die verdienstvollen Männer ..... in Jahre 1520 (buchdruck?) ....., Petern de Rue, .....

    um 1452 Tournai? Doornik?, Belgium.
    La Rue was probably born in Tournai, and a recently discovered reference to him as a professional singer in Brussels in 1469/70 suggests a date of birth closer to 1452 than the traditionally ascribed 1460.
    Pierre de la Rue was born c. 1460, possibly at Tournai, the son of Jehan de la Rue who was a trumpeter at Philip the Good's Burgundian court. The first reference we have to Pierre is as a tenor at Siena Cathedral c. 1482-85. From 1489-92 he is listed as a singer at s-Hertogenbosch Cathedral, and by 1492 he was a member of Maximilian's Burgundian Court Chapel, passing into the service of Maximilian's son. Philip the Handsome, when the young man was declared of age in 1493. In 1496. Philip married Juana of Castile, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, and la Rue travelled twice with the court to Spain, the first visit in 1501-02. the second in 1506 during which Philip died unexpectedly at Burgos. La Rue seems to have stayed in Juana's service in Spain for as long as two years before returning to Malines (Mechelen) as temporary head of the future Charles V's Chapel, organized for the boy Archduke by his guardian and regent. Philip's sister. Marguerite of Austria. When Charles was declared of age in 1515. he moved his court to Brussels, but soon thereafter la Rue retired to Courtrai (Kortrijk) where he had held a canonry at the church of Notre Dame since 1501. He died there on November 20. 1518. having apparently arranged to be buried in the Chapel of St. Catherine, a saint for whom he may have conceived a particular affection, since her birthplace and shrine were less than 200 metres from the Cathedral in Siena where he had been a singer as a young man.

    Komponist und Sänger sowie Kleriker.
    Erstmals ist Rue in 's-Hertogenbosch (Norddrabant) dokumentiert.
    Die dortige Marianische Bruderschaft, der auch Hieronymus Bosch angehörte, entlohnte ihn für die Zeit vom Juni 1489 bis März 1492 für geleistete musikalische Dienste.
    Am 17. November 1492 wurde Rue Mitglied der Grande Chapelle des römischen Königs Maximilian und begleitete seinen Dienstherren noch im selben Jahr nach s?Herzogenbosch, wo er formelles Mitglied der Marianischen Bruderschaft wurde.
    Page 36-

    (Courtrai) heute Kortrijk

  2. 3.  Jehan de La Rue Etterslektstre til dette punkt (1.Jehan1) ble født , Tournai, Belgia.

    Andre Hendelser og Egenskaper:

    • Occupation: Fillettierer

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