Margaretha Veselaer
Generasjon: 1
1. Margaretha Veselaer (datter av Joris de Veselaer og Margarethæ (Margriete Boge) Boghe). Notater:
2. Joris de Veselaer døde 15 Okt 1570; ble begravet 1570. Andre Hendelser og Egenskaper:
- Occupation: Brabant, Nederland
- Occupation: 1519; Antwerpen
- Occupation: 1524; Antwerpen
- Occupation: 1570
Joris Veselaer was een vermogende handelaar in Vlaamse tapijten. Hij was gedurende 23 jaar verbonden aan de Antwerpse Munt, eerst als "prévost", later als "Muntmeester-Generaal".
Zijn kasteel te Deurne (het Lanteernhoff) werd in 1542 door de mannen van Maarten van Rossum verwoest.
merchant, financier and entrepeneur
mintmaster general of Brabant mint
owned a studio in Antwerpen
dean of the gold and silversmiths' guild in Antwerpen
St. Andries churchJoris giftet seg med Margarethæ (Margriete Boge) Boghe 1518. Margarethæ døde 1574, Antwerpen, Belgia. [Gruppeskjema] [Familiediagram]
3. Margarethæ (Margriete Boge) Boghe døde 1574, Antwerpen, Belgia. Notater:
Margaretha Boghe
Flemish, died c. 1574
Wife of Joris Vezeleer, Margaretha and her husband were sitters for portraits by Joos van Cleve. Vezeleer was a prominant goldsmith in Antwerp, and head of a small family company with relatives stationed in Paris, Lyon, and Bordeaux. Very little is known about Margaretha other than her marriage in 1518 to Vezeleer and the fact that she survived her husband by some four years. The couple had three daughters and a son. The eldest daughter, Elizabeth, married Jacob Hoefnagel, a merchant, and had twelve children, including the well-known Antwerp painter Joris Hoefnagel (1524-1600). Elizabeth's youngest daughter, Suzanna, married Christian Huygens in Amsterdam and was the mother of the Dutch stateman and poet Constantijn Huygens (1596-1687). The estate inventory made after Margaretha's death lists portraits of the couple which very probably correspond to those in the NGA collecion today (1969.9.1 and 1969.9.2). The inventory gives conflicting death dates for Margaretha: 2 November 1574 and 21 January 1575. Their tombs in Antwerp are no longer extant, although the inscriptions on them have been recorded.
Margaretta Boge - 1574 (Antwerpen)
Inventory of all ......... goods of Lady Margaretta Boge, widow of Signor Joris Veselaer, in his lifetime General of the Coinage here of our blessed Lord the King; these goods were found in the house she died; the house named "The Red Saucer", situated on the Steenhowers (Mansons') wall; this goods is written down at the request of Mr Jacques Hoefnagel and Elias Boudaens.....Notater:
probably 1518
- Elisabeth (Veselaer) Vezeler
- Cecilia Veselaer ble født 1522.
- 1. Margaretha Veselaer
- Joost de Veselaer døde 1579.
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