Johann (Dielmann Grein) Tilemann

Mann 1712 -

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  • Navn Johann (Dielmann Grein) Tilemann 
    Fødsel 3 Feb 1712 
    Dåp 7 Feb 1712 
    Kjønn Mann 
    Person ID I10310  My Genealogy
    Sist endret 16 Nov 2017 

    Far Michel Grein 
    Mor Maria Margaretha 
    Famile ID F4757  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie Anna Margaretha Schlarb   d. 6 Apr 1795, Schwarzerden, Germany Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
      Johan Dielmann GreinØ was born 3 February 1712 the son of Michel Grein and Maria Margaretha ----- and was baptized the 7th of the same month. His name was alternately spelled Thielmann or Tilemann and often abbreviated Diel or Theil. The frequent use of T instead of D in the spelling is a result of the consonant shift that occurred in some dialects and is a guide to the dialectic pronunciation of his name.
      He was 57 years old when on 24 December 1769 he was buried at Winterburg after drowning in a "swollen" stream.
      From the parish records of Kellenbach:

      1769 Ist Joh: Diel Grein von Henau ist in einer austgeshwollenen bach zu Winterburg ertrunken und den 24ten 10bris daselbst begraben worden; alt 57 jahr.

      His wife, whom he married sometime before October 1738, was ANNA MARGARETHA SCHLARB who died at Schwarzerden 6 April 1795, aged 80 years and 5 months, setting her birth near the end of 1714.
    Famile ID F4756  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 18 Sep 2017 

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