(Hildeprand) Hildebrand


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  • Navn (Hildeprand) Hildebrand 
    Kjønn Mann 
    • Lombard König vor kurzer Zeit bis 1744
      The succession of short-lived reigns in the Lombard kingdom after the death of King Liutprand in 744 suggests a weakening of central authority in northern Italy. However, it was the Carolingian Franks not the local Lombard nobility who were able to leverage this to their advantage. The dukes of Friulia appear to have been the only strong regional nobility at the time, as shown by the choice of Duke Ratchis to succeed as Lombard king in 744 after the brief reign of King Hildebrand. However, the main threat to the long-term survival of the Lombard monarchy was the continuing territorial rivalry between the Lombard kings and the papacy. The growing power of the Popes is demonstrated by the papal appointment of Hildebrand as duke of Spoleto in the early 770s, ending a long line of Lombard appointments. The end of Lombard rule in northern Italy was signalled when the Pope invited the Carolingian Franks to intervene in Italian affairs.
    Occupation Spoleto, Italia Finn alle personer med hendelser på dette stedet 
    • nach 779
    Person ID I19670  My Genealogy
    Sist endret 20 Jan 2018 

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